Machine learning: Containerize Jupyter
Even though there’s pipenv, poetry, pyenv, these solutions are not bullet proof and sometimes it is not possible to install all the packages with those solutions. I wanted something independent of my local environment and stable. If you know Docker it is not a big deal, if you don’t know it, then it can be quite time consuming. In this case, I got you covered, bear with me until the end.
The main steps are 2: create the image, create and start the container.
Create the image
To create the image, we need first to create a Dockerfile file which contains the needed instructions.
Instead of installing a Linux distribution by hand on Virtualbox, Parallels, VM Ware, we can do all of this with just a few statements in our terminal. In the Docker world the Dockerfile file is like the musical score, the Docker image contains read-only blueprints that include-container creation instructions, the Docker container is like the music being played.
- Create a folder in your user directory for example:
mkdir jupyter-docker
- Create a Dockerfile file inside
# Use Ubuntu latest as the base image
FROM ubuntu:latest
# Install Python and pip
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip
# Install Jupyter
RUN pip3 install jupyter
RUN pip3 install tensorflow
RUN pip3 install numpy
RUN pip3 install keras
# Create a new user and add to sudoers
RUN useradd -m jupyteruser && echo "jupyteruser:password" | chpasswd && adduser jupyteruser sudo
# Switch to the new user
USER jupyteruser
# Set the working directory for the new user
WORKDIR /home/jupyteruser
# Expose the port Jupyter will run on
# Run Jupyter Notebook on container startup
CMD ["jupyter", "notebook", "--ip='*'", "--port=8888", "--no-browser", "--allow-root"]
- Create the image
docker build -t jupyter-container .
Create the contaienr
- Create a docker-compose file which simplifies your life so that you don’t have to remember the command “docker run” with a bunch of options.
version: '3'
build: .
image: jupyter-container
- "8888:8888"
- "~/notebooks:/home/jupyteruser"
As you can see, you have to create a notebook folder and include it in volumes. The contents of the folder will be synced automatically with the folder /home/jupyteruser.
Run the container with
docker-compose up -d
Find the ID of the container with
docker ps
Read the logs to copy the HTTP address along with the login token by using
docker logs <container_id>
This will look like
- At this point paste the url in your browser and you will be logged in into Jupyter. You can now create your notebooks using tensorflow, numpy, keras.