Machine learning: Containerize Jupyter

Even though there’s pipenv, poetry, pyenv, these solutions are not bullet proof and sometimes it is not possible to install all the packages with those solutions. I wanted something independent of my local environment and stable. If you know Docker it is not a big deal, if you don’t know it, then it can be quite time consuming. In this case, I got you covered, bear with me until the end.

The main steps are 2: create the image, create and start the container.

Create the image

To create the image, we need first to create a Dockerfile file which contains the needed instructions.

Instead of installing a Linux distribution by hand on Virtualbox, Parallels, VM Ware, we can do all of this with just a few statements in our terminal. In the Docker world the Dockerfile file is like the musical score, the Docker image contains read-only blueprints that include-container creation instructions, the Docker container is like the music being played.

  1. Create a folder in your user directory for example:
mkdir jupyter-docker
  1. Create a Dockerfile file inside jupyter-docker
# Use Ubuntu latest as the base image
FROM ubuntu:latest

# Install Python and pip
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip

# Install Jupyter
RUN pip3 install jupyter
RUN pip3 install tensorflow
RUN pip3 install numpy
RUN pip3 install keras

# Create a new user and add to sudoers
RUN useradd -m jupyteruser && echo "jupyteruser:password" | chpasswd && adduser jupyteruser sudo

# Switch to the new user
USER jupyteruser

# Set the working directory for the new user
WORKDIR /home/jupyteruser

# Expose the port Jupyter will run on

# Run Jupyter Notebook on container startup
CMD ["jupyter", "notebook", "--ip='*'", "--port=8888", "--no-browser", "--allow-root"]
  1. Create the image
docker build -t jupyter-container .

Create the contaienr

  1. Create a docker-compose file which simplifies your life so that you don’t have to remember the command “docker run” with a bunch of options.
version: '3'
    build: .
    image: jupyter-container
      - "8888:8888"
      - "~/notebooks:/home/jupyteruser"

As you can see, you have to create a notebook folder and include it in volumes. The contents of the folder will be synced automatically with the folder /home/jupyteruser.

  1. Run the container with docker-compose up -d

  2. Find the ID of the container with docker ps

  3. Read the logs to copy the HTTP address along with the login token by using docker logs <container_id> This will look like

  1. At this point paste the url in your browser and you will be logged in into Jupyter. You can now create your notebooks using tensorflow, numpy, keras.